Monday, November 19, 2012

The Train is Jolting to a Stop

      Have you ever been on a bus or train that jolted to a stop?  I haven't, but I have been in a minor car accident that threw me forward and I hit my head on the dashboard.  The only time this happened to me was when I was a child.  I was about 8 and was riding with my grandfather in the front seat.  I wasn't wearing a seat belt and my grandfather was almost blind, literally.  He was making a left turn to drop me off at church and didn't see a car that was going straight.  I screamed and he slammed on the breaks.  Everyone was fine, but I did hit my head on the dashboard.

     I'm afraid that I am going to hit my head when this train comes to a complete stop.  I am now flying through the air.  I have an appointment with a mediation service next week to file the paperwork for the divorce.  I had to fire my attorney because they were charging outrageous fees.  I have to make an offer on a house I like next week (that is smaller and older than our family home).  I applied for a new job.  How many more life stressors???  Hope none are on the horizon for the time being.

    All and all, things are getting better.  I have a lot to be thankful for during the holiday season.

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